Thursday, May 19, 2016


Swedish massage

Swedish massage is the form of the most widely known and most widespread massage through massage parlors. In Europe, this massage is sometimes referred to as classical massage and Swedish massage is the basis for many other types of massage such as deep tissue massage.


This model of massage is usually attributed to fencing master and gymnastics Pehr Henrik Ling (1776-1839). However, this is in fact the Dutch practitioner Johan Georg Mezger (1838-1909) who adopted French names to define the basic movements massage as we know it today, as Swedish massage or classic. The term Swedish Movement System was transposed to Swedish massage system during the second half of the 19th century. Ling system was the Swedish Movement System or Swedish Gymnastic Movement System. That may be why it was so long wrongly associated with Swedish massage. In Sweden, the term "Swedish massage" is not used.


A Swedish massage is what most people imagine when you mention the word massage. It is this type of massage that involves "to drape" (the patient is naked with a towel covering the body parts that are not worked), and the practitioner uses oils to facilitate long strokes gliding along the muscles.

This method uses long, fluid movements, often but not necessarily in the direction of the heart. Swedish massage is designed to increase the circulation of oxygen in the blood, blood flow and relax muscles. There are five basic movements: stroking, kneading, friction, tapping and vibration. Oil, cream, or lotion is applied to the skin to reduce friction and to allow for smooth movements.


Swedish massage the basic techniques consist of 5 different movements that are very easy to learn.


The client relaxes and the therapist is tense muscles.

During the stroking, the customer is inclined (face down) on the table. The therapist begins above the neck and slowly slides down the back using hands and forearms for deep pressure until reaching the base of the spine.

Applying this technique to the members is effective both for "rinse" the lymphatic system and improve circulation. This is one of the most appropriate techniques.

This helps the therapist to feel the muscles that are tense in the client's body. It also allows the customer to start relaxing as he gets used to the touch therapist.


Greater relaxation and a warm up before a more intense work.

After the customer has started to relax, kneading is applied to relax even more and to heat the muscles for deeper work. This technique consists of kneading movements, compression, rotation, and pressure.

The therapist slightly raises the muscle from the bone. With this technique, the therapist and client can get a good idea of ​​the intensity of the pressure applied. This movement improves circulation and removes the muscle and nerve tissue of toxins.


The most intense part of the massage is the application of friction. This engages the largest amount of pressure the entire session. The therapist presses the palms, thumbs, fingertips and elbows on muscle tissue near bony areas such as along the spine. The circular movement amplifies flexibility which helps in the healing process.

The purpose of this technique is to break hypertonicity or "nodes" that cause discomfort and reduced ability to move. Hypertonicités these are the result of an excess of toxin and muscle tension, and sleep that distort the tissues of your muscle.

They are caused by repeated muscle movements, a fall or other accident, dehydration, or by the stress of everyday life. The use of the elbow allows greater pressure, and less effort for the therapist.

Trigger points

We often find trigger points between the shoulders and neck.

The fact that hypertonic therapy trigger points also falls into this category. Trigger points are small areas contained in the muscle that can be extremely tender and limited movement.

These can develop because of a deficiency in essential vitamins (vitamin B-6) or because of a stressful situation such as surgery or an accident. This is frankly painful when pressure is applied to these areas, but they can be settled quickly. Relieving trigger points, the rest of the muscle is relaxed.

The location of trigger points varies depending on the person and depends on the type of activity that the individual practice. Typically, they are located between the shoulders (trapezius and rhomboids), and also in the neck (levator scapulae).

Pat & Vibration

Once the deepest work, lighter work is needed to relieve the muscles. The latter two techniques of Swedish massage consist of tapping and vibration. These two techniques go hand in hand.


Tapping is a series of percussive movements and involves the use of beating, slapping, and pats on the client to relax the muscle after a profound work.

Pat: poing
Pat: cuillère
Pat: hatching


To relax more deeply the customer, vibration is necessary because it helps stimulate the circulation of blood one last time. The therapist places her hands firmly on the customer back and slightly shaken for a while. This can also be applied just to the arms or legs.

With tapping and vibration, the client feels less groggy after the massage.

Benefits, limitations, against-indications

If you are under stress need some relaxation, Swedish massage is for you.

Swedish massage shortens recovery time after muscular stress by cleaning toxins tissues including lactic acid and uric acid, and other losses métaboliques.Il increases circulation without increasing the burden on the stretched coeur.Il ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and flexibles.Le Swedish massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves at the same temps.Il reduces stress, emotional and physical, and is recommended in a regular program for the control of stress.Il also has many specific medical uses.

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