Friday, September 16, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016


How to do excellent Baby massage ?

How to do Baby massage?

Massaging your baby is not a technical gesture, but instinctive. "There are baby massage workshops, explains Cécile Cortet-Pham, but the goal is not to come out with a ready-made method. For parents, it is especially and above all, gain self-confidence and the feeling of being able to reproduce instinctively movements when you will be alone. "One can quite have the urge to massage her baby, but do not dare to start. Faced with a being so small and fragile (apparently) some apprehension is legitimate. "Intuitively, we are able to know what we can do or not, but for some of us, it is important that actions are validated, endorsed by an expert. "Through the workshops, parents who wish may learn some gestures, but above all, ensuring their own ability to massage their child.

When the massage becomes a habit

When the massage becomes a habit, it is established very quickly as a ritual, an appointment affection between parent and child. "It is often the massage session begins talking to her baby, saying what we will do, and accessories is prepared (oil, cover ...), removing her rings, her bracelets. All signs that mark the child and allow him to get in condition. "And to know that a baby like massages? "Just in general to observe during this time of preparation. If he shows his enthusiasm makes you smiles, babbles, it's his way to say that he expects pleases. Quite simply. "

The 5 golden rules for successful massage

- Choose the right moment to itself, as for her child, the massage must remain a time for sharing and wellness. So it should not be forced or made reluctantly, in the haste and stress.

- Be installed: 

Unable to relax in an uncomfortable position. Whether we choose to massage her baby standing in front of the changing table, kneeling on the ground or sitting on his bed, the key is to feel comfortable.

- Treating atmosphere: 

While it is possible to massage a baby through her clothes, it is generally stripped, so it is important that the room is well heated. The light can be dimmed.

- Avoid external stimuli: 

noise (TV, street ...), prevents relaxation, while in contrast, favors the sweet music. Toys also can be removed to allow the child to stay focused on his sensations.

- Focus on gestures:

 If the massage is not necessarily technical, it must nevertheless be carried out carefully. The baby will be more confident and reassured if the gestures are firm and secure. Moreover, it is best to always operate symmetrically (one leg and then the other, one foot then the other ...) to help even more children to become aware of its body and its members.

What are the benefits of Baby massage ?

Baby massage

In many societies, especially in Asia and Africa, baby massage is a tradition, just as swaddling or porting in a sling. This little ritual is primarily a moment of relaxation and complicity between parent and child, but not only. Massage can also help infants to become aware of their bodies and relieve some of their pain (colic, teething ...).
"Through massaging their baby, the parents will be able to communicate and create a bond with their child, says Cecile Cortet-Pham, masseuse, physical therapist specializing in perinatal care.

The baby massage : Massaging your baby is not difficult

The right thing for the baby massage

Massaging your baby is not difficult, and this special time will establish a real communication between you and him. Here are some tips to make a successful massage. So do not hesitate!

Massage a baby at birth is possible, however, parents usually start at 1 month, and continue until the age of 3 years. The average duration of massage is 30 minutes, but can vary depending on the age of the child, and his habit to get a massage.

Baby massage should allow baby to relax

Baby massage should allow baby to relax

Beyond a simple relaxing, it would allow him to sleep better and might even relieve small stomach pain and other common hassles ... Do not deprive yourself of this exchange with your child
The art of touch, long taboo in Western countries, is now recognized. From birth, you can massage your baby to communicate with him, secure, pacify and develop motor skills
The touch is the primary means of communication toddler, massage can be considered a true body language. It secures the child, from the warmth of the womb to the world, and often comforts the distraught parents, impressed with their newborns by allowing them to get in touch with him. Do not always look for complicated answers: sometimes a baby just cries because he needs caresses and exercise.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016



Massage Cupping ™ is a soft and pleasant technique, non - invasive that provides powerful results including:

Reduce the cellulite
Reducer pain
Mobilize the articulations
Favorise the lymphatics
Reducer drainage and improve the appearance of cicatrices
Short recovery time and improve results with pre care / post chirurgicaux
Libérer contractures musculaires
Improve facial aesthetics and body
Help during programs amincissement
Improve athletic performance and recovery after efforts Aider in programs "detox"

In which cases can I use Massage Cupping ™?

Insomnia and anxiety Cellulite pain chronics Cicatrices and adherence Constipation Maladies Inflammatory intestinal Migraines, tension headaches, circulatory sinusitis Troubles, varicose veins and lymphatic varicoses Edema of Stace Sciatic, sciatic Blockage articulaire and tendinitis fascists plantaire Stress and musculaire desfunction steadfastly of injury to the temperamentally joint and congestion mandibulaire Fibromyalgie Ménopause
Inflammation pulmonaire Intoxication

Massage Cupping ™ is constantly evolving and new applications are discovered regularly thanks to the creativity of its practitioners.

Techniques to relieve the inflammation, regulate the nervous system, mobilize and move the stagnant liquids, hydrate and nourish the tissues can be used in acute and chronic disorders and for all ages!

The face

Lifting- facial drainage
Massage Cupping ™ face was created from the discovery of micro-glass suction cups. This treatment can be performed easily in minutes, and is simply a manual method of "lifting". Key benefits include: better local circulation of the skin, improving the nutrition and oxygenation of the cells, stimulating the natural elasticity of the skin with a better assimilation of bulbs, masks and serums. The use of suction cups on the face is remarkable to relieve sinus congestion and clean the stagnant fluids, including dark circles, while the eyebrows show of youth! Work on the face with the suction cups also helps loosen stiff muscles associated with disorders of temperamental joint. Wrinkles visibly diminish with Cupping Massage ™, and saturated or rosacea skin cleans quickly. Massage cupping can prepare all surgeries to improve results face...

The body

L'utilisation suckers for body care gives amazing results when combined with an aromatic treatment with essential oils like "Aroma Cocoon", for example to promote weight reduction, stop smoking ....

Adding VacuTherapies ™ sessions in the care of the body, not only improves the absorption of the applied products, but helps the flow of stagnant fluids. Although it is not recommended to combine ™ cupping massage with harsh scrubs, it fits easily into most body care practiced in aesthetics.

Almost all forms of massage can be improved by adding Cupping Massage ™. The wide range of equipment and machines that are now available enables a variety of applications and treatments.

magnetic suction cups

Les sets of magnetic lifters allow additional uses in cupping massage, to care for injuries, pain management, neuropathy, scar reduction, joint problems, and scoliosis. reflexology treatments for hands, feet and face are easily achieved with magnetic suction cups that can also be used on trigger points, the neurolymphatique points and points "tsubos" shiatsu. These powerful tools are used for alkalizing acidified tissues, allowing the release old toxins, improve blood and lymph circulation. Another age-old tool that has found modern applications with exciting results!


The origins of the cup, thousands of years old

Since ancient times, all civilizations have used the virtues of the cup for various therapeutic purposes. In fact, the oldest manuscript mentioning this object was found among treated in ancient Egypt, written about 1500 BC. The medical story of great antiquity, already evoked the usefulness of the cup for preventing and treating health problems.

The use of the cup in History

For millennia, the Chinese know, too, the therapeutic properties of the cup. Cattle horn and bamboo-based cuts, these were daily-used in the local folk culture. Subsequently, they were broadcast in modern Chinese physicians, evolving into more contemporary forms, small metal vases - more effective - pump suction cups.


Traditional uses of the cup

Better known in Europe under the name devacuothérapie, cupping - usually glass or bamboo - are positioned to drain negative energy, blocking sources. They come in various models, with sizes larger or smaller: it is thus possible to arrange them at will, on several parts of the body, according to individual needs. Note that even though they may be used alone, it is not unusual to associate them with acupuncture needles, thus optimizing their actions and the heat.

The concrete action of the suction cup

Positioned at the areas which the customer suffers in particular, the cup holds parphénomène suction. Thanks to its active ingredient, this item can suck impurities and toxins clogging the pores, thus giving back to the skin its softness and elasticity. Meanwhile, the suction created stimulates the flow of the body, along the lines of a better blood circulation and various liquid indispensable to the proper functioning of the body.


The steps of a massage to the effective suction cup

Traditionally a session lasts one hour. The practitioner begins sterilize its suction cups, burning a cotton he introduced into the container and then immediately apply it on the areas to treat. The flame is extinguished by removing the air, thus creating a heat zone therein. The suction cup is finally removed when the skin turns blue or purple.

Associate massage to the suction cup to the tenets of Chinese medicine

If the client wishes, it is possible to apply cupping to acupuncture points defined in a preliminary interview, to better locate disorders to treat. Thus, as the specific methods reflexology, massage in the cup can help in stimulating specific meridians, to enjoy a satisfactory harmony attributed to a better flow of vital energy of the body.


Many different physiological properties

By both local and global action cupping help customers feel better about her body. Loosened its energy blockages, it has parallel, better muscle amplitude, while noting the total disappearance of its potential aches. In addition, by helping traffic to be more smoothly, this technique allows the body to better mobilize its immune defenses to fight against various diseases.

Real psychological benefits

Beyond its practical action on our body, the cup holds psychological virtues absolutely acommodations. Promoting better oxygenation of the brain, she encourages him to produce more endorphins and other molecules that regulate our mood and emotions. Finally, use this traditional method, quite natural, is a good alternative to drugs against insomnia, anxiety or depression.


The massage cupping is used in the East for a long time, the massage cupping is a therapeutic method. Part of traditional Chinese medicine, this massage works deep.
The cupping massage is also known as energy massage. Indeed, it allows to resolve energy blockages and generates a renewed vitality. Used alone or with acupuncture needles, cupping evacuate negative energies at the areas of blockages. Its concept is based on the warming of the air inside the cup (glass or bamboo) creating a vacuum before applying the treatment. This technique heals internal injuries and boosts blood flow resulting in better discharge our waste through efficient drainage. It is


For a mild spring evening Shanghainese, yet I was not party to the unknown, on the contrary: I just wanted to take my good cupping massage weekly habit.
Not having been massaged me since my return to my country, I joined my Chinese colleagues who went to what they told me to be a very good show, where masseurs have a therapeutic approach.



Cupping is a form of massage that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. The practice uses glass cups to create a vacuum seal on areas of the body. The vacuum created by this seal brings blood to the surface of the skin and is thought to help expel negative energies from the body. Although cupping is not painful, the recipient often walk away with circular bruises on areas where the cups were applied.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Basic techniques to do massage

massage basic techniques

Massage techniques can be divided into five basic categories: stroking, kneading, friction, tapping, and vibration.


Sliding the palm of the hand and the fleshy part of the finger on the skin by compressing it, without ever losing contact with the surface to be massaged.


Exercises massage marmas

The nervousness you win and you do not always know how to relax? The massage certain points of the face can give you quick relief.

A typical day is spiced with many small irritations. However, this accumulation of tension tiredness our body and lowers the immune system.

Monday, June 6, 2016


Relaxation, relaxation office

Finding the time to take a relaxing break in the office, when you are very busy and stressed by his work, sometimes would be impossible. This relaxation exercise can be done in a short time while sitting at her desk and regular practice will have long term benefits.


How about a massage

There is no better way to please someone to offer him a good massage.How could we turn away from the feeling of well-being procured by a sensual back massage, relieving all the tensions accumulated during life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Kobido massage

Kobido massage
The practice of Kobido settled in 1472 in Japan. The Empress of the time, for its beauty, would have specifically requested a Kobido massage, helping to make this popular and sought technical. Competence and Kobido practice have been passed from one generation to another. The treatment, which finally reached our shores, enjoys some publicity because of the benefits it brings during a facial.

Rising Kobido

The ultimate goal of Kobido is to produce immediate results facelift thanks to the incorporation of shiatsu movements and therapeutic techniques stimulate facial nerves that reach the skin cells. This improves the circulation of blood. And as

Monday, April 25, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016


How to make massage abudhabi?

There is no better way to please someone to offer him a good massage. How could we turn away from the feeling of well-being procured by a sensual back massage, relieving all the tensions accumulated during life.

Unfortunately, giving a professional massage right therapeutic level is something that requires training and years of practice. You probably do not want to go through it. However, we can present some simple techniques that will help you give a pleasant and safe massage.

These massage techniques are of limited therapeutic value, but they certainly will provide a pleasant feeling to the recipient and allow the muscles to relax, release endorphins, and improve circulation.

First create an atmosphere conducive to massage. The main techniques of massage are stroking, kneading, friction, tapping, and vibration but you do not necessarily have to know these techniques needs to practice a "massage" unprofessional.

Start the massage with a small amount of aromatherapy oil of your choice, just a teaspoon or so. Rub the oil into the palm of your hands to warm it up before it hits the skin of your partner. Cold oil on the back of your partner would give him twice the tension he had before starting!

There are some basic massage techniques to relieve tension, which are very effective. The tension tends to accumulate in the neck, shoulders and upper back in women, and in the lower back and buttocks in men. The important thing is really not how to do massage, the idea is not to become a masseuse or masseur expert. This is a courtship ritual! Be creative and playful.

The touch of welcome: With your partner lying on his stomach, stand astride him or kneeling at his side. Press gently on the shoulders of your partner on each side of the spine. Do not press directly on the column during the massage. This movement allows your partner to get used to the feel of your hands on her skin.

Heat the back: Now begin to warm the back of your partner. With the flat of the hand, gathered the fingers and the palm in contact with the skin, move your hands along parallel lines on each side of the spine, and then on the shoulders, then down along the hips.

Kneading: In working as deep as the comfort of your partner allows, use your fingers to knead the muscles of the back, starting at the neck and shoulders and making your movements down. Go slowly and use additional oil if necessary.

Scanning: Spread your fingers, keeping the somewhat stiff, and doing a rake movement of shoulders to the buttocks. This frees the deep underlying tissue tensions.

Lower back: lower back and sacrum (last triangular bone at the bottom of the spine) can be congested and tight. Massage the area with small circular movements on the buttocks, hips and upper thighs.A man, complete with spiral on the lower back.From the top of the corner of the buttocks, use your thumbs to make small spirals upwards from both sides of the coccyx to the top of the sacrum, then press your thumbs on top of the hips and Scroll with the downward and across to the side of body year up to the massage bracket. Repeat these movements several times.

Buttocks: Starting at the bottom, firmly press your thumbs into the flesh of the buttocks and follow an upward curve to go down along the hips. This is a sensitive area and therefore soft, for comfort, use a proper pressure to your partner. Return to the first position and move your thumb slowly outward to describe a second curve parallel to the first but next, continuing until you have well covered the whole area. Repeat several times.

Shoulders and chest: Kneel behind your partner, now lying on his back, press and hold the shoulders. Ask your partner to take a deep breath and let the magic of essential oils work as you slowly increase the pressure of your hands. At the end of expiration, release. Slide your hands on your partner collarbone and then very gently. Ask him to take a deep breath as you hold, then release. Now move your hands toward the center of the chest and putting a hand on the other, press very gently. Ask your partner to take a deep breath and release.

Neck and ears: Encourage your partner to breathe deeply and relaxing way while you gently massage her neck in small circles on top of the relief areas of the neck and around half of the ear. If the massage is a prelude to love
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